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The Magdala Campaign


It was in 1868 that British forces led by General Napier, sanctioned by the Queen of England, invaded the fortress city of Magdala in Ethiopia. Thousands of priceless Holy books were burnt and thousands of Holy Icons, crosses, church treasures and paintings were stolen. Some were auctioned on the spot to the soldiers and many were secreted to various European countries ending up in the possession of private owners and the British Royal family. Despite requests from Ethiopian Prime Ministers, government officials and British historians, these priceless items have still not been returned. 


The Rastafari  community have made continuous requests over the years for these treasures to be returned , most notably Ras Gebre Menfeskedus aka Ras Seymour McLean who worked tirelessly for many years writing letters to various British officials and Departments. Prior to passing on to the ancestors on the 6th October 2014, Ras Seymour had bequeathed copies of many documents to the Ras Tafari~The Majesty & The Movement (UK) committee, for dissemination to the people as part of the Grand Exhibition that took place in Ethiopia in May-June 2014. Ras Seymour had also requested that these be generally made available for the spiritual education of the community and the rising younger generation. In keeping with Ras Seymour’s wishes these richly edifying documents and related articles are available on the drop-down tabs for download and viewing.




Words  of  Wisdom 

For what does it profit a one to gain this whole wide world and to lose their soul to the addiction of modern day social media.

As a one thinketh so are they. Elevate the consciousness

Let not thy soul be troubled by the falling of Babylon. Know how to navigate through the ashes!


Self-mastery is the Key

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